Was Jesus a Socialist?: Why This Question Is Being Asked Again, and Why the Answer Is Almost Always Wrong

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Category: History


Economist and historian Lawrence W. Reed has been hearing people say “Jesus was a socialist” for 50 years. And it has always bothered him. His new book demolishes that claim. Jesus called on earthly governments to redistribute wealth? Centrally plan the economy? Im pose a welfare state? Hardly. Point by point, Reed answers the claims of so cialists and progressives who try to enlist Jesus in their causes. As he reveals, nothing in the New Testament sup ports their contentions. Was Jesus a So cialist? could not be more timely. So cialism has made a shocking comeback in America. Poll after poll shows that young Americans have a positive image of so cialism. More than half say they would rather live in a socialist country than a capitalist one. As socialism has come back into vogue, more and more of its advocates have tried to convince us that Jesus was a socialist. Ultimately, Reed shows the foolishness of trying to enlist the name of Jesus in any political cause today. Soft cover, 160 pages.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 6 × 1 × 9 in