The New World Order Exposed

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There’s nothing new about the New World Order. It is a conspiracy—not a conspiracy theory—and its very roots can be found in the Garden of Eden. Today those who are tilling this soil for their own insidious ends are in positions of power in government, the media and in academia. In order to comprehend the nature of this monster—this enemy of liberty—you need to read and understand Victor Thorn’s The New World Order Exposed.

Finally, the veil of illusion has been lifted by one of the most comprehensive books ever written about the New World Order. Now everyone can see beyond the conditioning and lies perpetuated by our political leaders and their mainstream media minions.

If you want one reference book that you’ll return to day-after-day and year-after-year, open the front cover of The New World Order Exposed and you’ll begin to discover how the world really works. This book will shock, unsettle and enrage you but, in the end, the truth will set you free. If you are fed up with the status quo and feel as if you’re not being given the full picture, take the first step: read this book. Like a reality bomb, it will forever change your perspective on the world in which we live.

About the Author

Victor Thorn (1962-2016) founded Sisyphus Press in the fall of 2000. He is the author of 54 different works, including 30 books, 19 chapbooks, as well as five anthologies which he served as editor. He has published the works of numerous writers in the alternative media such as Michael Collins Piper, Adam Gorightly, Lisa Guliani, Mark Glenn, John Kaminski, Joan d’Arc, Pete Papaherakles, Carl Robinson, and Pat Shannan, while also producing five CD-ROMs and DVDs, one of which is a five-disc collection that covers the John F. Kennedy Assassination (Evidence of Revision). Thorn’s political articles have appeared in various newspapers around the country. He has also freelanced for magazines such as Paranoia and The Barnes Review.

In February 2001, Thorn founded Babel magazine, an online publication that ran until early 2004 and featured some of the first articles devoted to the 9/11 conspiracy.

One of his books, The New World Order Exposed, was translated and published in Japan in 2006, while 9/11 on Trial has been republished by Progressive Press, and was also released in France to coincide with the fifth anniversary of 9/11.

After co-hosting “The Victor Thorn Show” on the Reality Radio Network from 2002-2003, in February 2004 he co-founded WING TV (World Independent News Group), a daily Internet television and radio talk show viewed in over 100 countries worldwide. In addition, he was a weekly investigative reporter for American Free Press from 2007 until his death in 2016, while serving as AFP’s assignment editor in 2011.

Thorn has also made hundreds of different radio appearances (including “Coast-to-Coast AM” and “The Lionel Show” on WOR 710 in New York City) and has done weekly one-hour news updates on Alex Merklinger’s “Mysteries of the Mind,” while also appearing weekly on Vyzygoth’s “From the Grassy Knoll” and Frank Whalen’s “Frankly Speaking Radio.”

Thorn was an avid political activist who spoke at the OKC Bombing 10th anniversary, as well as before the America First Party. He also protested in six different states, not to mention at Ground Zero on several occasions, and in front of the White House in Washington, D.C.

Table of Contents


Section One: 9/11

1) Forty Reasons that Suggest the Controllers Knew About the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks but did nothing to stop them

2) 25 more Reasons that Suggest the Controllers Not Only Knew About the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, but also allowed them to happen (while failing to disclose the full story to us)

3) Military Smokescreen: Who Commanded the Air Force to ’stand down’?

4) Notes and Quotes: The War on Terrorism—Money, Fear and Rights

5) 9/11 Smokescreen

6) Fear, Psychic Driving, and Pavlov’s Dogs

Section Two: Banks, Oil, Drugs & War

7) Drug Trafficking: A Brief Historical Overview

8) The War in Afghanistan: Opium and Oil

9) War-Mongers, Death-Merchants, & Killers: America’s War Machine

10) The Carlyle Group

11) The Bush-Bin Laden Family Connection

12) Banks, Oil, and Drug Trafficking: An Overview of Mike Ruppert’s The Truth and Lies of 9/11

Section Three: Control Systems

13) The Psychology of Control Systems

14) Yes, Virginia, There is a New World Order

15) The Controllers and their Evil Goals

16) Compartmentalization and the Need to Know

17) Notes & Quotes: We Don’t Need Your Education

18) Review: Lawrence Dawson’s The Death of Reality: How a Conspiracy of Fools is Imposing Unreality and Laying Claim to the Destiny of a Nation

19) Review: Hugh Fox’s The Invisibles: A Dialect

Section Four: The Federal Reserve System

20) Notes and Quotes: This Is How Our Fine Country Was Destroyed in 1913

21) Who Controls the Federal Reserve System?

22) The Federal Reserve System Must Be Destroyed

23) Do We Want To Save America? Then Demand that We Destroy the Federal Reserve and Default on our National Debt

24) Financial Enslavement and the Federal Reserve: An Overview of Peter Kershaw’s Economic Solutions

Section Five: Technology & Intelligence

25) America’s Deliberate Demise and China’s Role as New King of the Hill

26) China, the Mossad, and Artificial Intelligence

27) Artificial Intelligence—The Final Conspiracy

28) The Controller’s Ultimate Motives

29) Big Brother Technology—A Boot Stomping on a Human Face

30) The Terminator Gene: Who Controls the World’s Food Supply? An Overview of Texe Marrs’s Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos

31) Chemtrails Over Happy Valley

32) Notes and Quotes: Mind Control

Section Six: History

33) Don’t Trust History

34) Why Did Americans Finance the Bolshevik Revolution?

35) Reviewed: Antony L. Sutton’s Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

36) FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors—Pearl Harbor

37) FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors—The Atomic Bomb

38) FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors—Russia and the Atomic Bomb

39) Adolf Hitler and Black Magic: The Real Reason behind the Nazi Party’s Rise to Power—A Review of The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft

40) The Bush Family and Nazi Blood Money

41) Notes and Quotes: The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen

42) A review of The Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace

43) Jonestown: Mass Suicide or Massacre?

44) Notes and Quotes: The Oklahoma City Bombing

45) Notes and Quotes: The Freemasons, Lucifer, the New World Order and Beyond

46) Civilization, History, and the Decline of the West: An Overview of Samuel P. Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

Section Seven: The American Presidency

47) Who Controls the American Presidency?

48) Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush: All Bought, Sold, and Controlled

49) An Overview of Gerald Carroll’s Project Seek: Onassis, Kennedy, and the Gemstone Thesis

50) An Overview of Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

51) The Rothschild-CFR Connection

52) Notes and Quotes: Regicide—The Official Assassination of John F. Kennedy by Gregory Douglas

Section Eight: The Media & Society

53) Why Doesn’t the Media Tell Us About the Bilderbergs?

54) The American Media Should Be Ashamed of Itself

55) Take Back Your Stolen Vote: Votescam Revisited

56) Mainstream Media Cowardice: An Overview of Into the Buzzsaw

57) Reviewed: The Octopus—Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro by Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith

58) The American Caste System

Section Nine: The Man Who Runs Happy Valley

59) The Man Who Runs Happy Valley

60) The Story Behind the High School Shootings

61) An Alien Base Beneath Beaver Stadium

62) AIDS: Man-Made Virus Created in a Laboratory

63) Taxation or Slavery?

Section Ten: Finale

64) Frogs Being Boiled to Death in a Pot

65) David Rockefeller Speaks

66) Do We Care Enough To Save America?

67) The Outlaw Class

68) An Interview with Victor Thorn

69) Afterword: “He Who Would Face the Winds” by Lisa Guliani


Additional information

Weight 28.1 oz
Dimensions 9 × 1 × 9 in