The CENTURIES of REVOLUTION: Democracy • Communism • Zionism PDF

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This book is dedicated to the hundreds of millions murdered, tortured and raped by the advocates of Democracy, Communism and Zionism.
–William White

One of the most hard-hitting, no-nonsense writers on the American scene today, William White has been reviled for his candor, bankrupted, and railroaded into federal prison. But he remains undaunted. In his latest book,The Centuries of Revolution: Democracy • Communism • Zionism, White has stepped forward with an unsettling—but highly readable and consistently fascinating— exposé (and analysis) of the dark forces behind world subversion that have worked relentlessly on virtually every front to forcibly transform traditional European (and American) culture for the benefit of the financial and political power of the organized Jewish community.

Tracing the origins of this agenda back to pre-biblical times, exploring the worship of the strange gods the Israelites encountered in Egypt, White demonstrates—with shocking clarity—that the underlying philosophy of revolution has been insidiously utilized to mesmerize and enslave the peoples of the West in order to achieve the ultimate dream of world domination. Democracy, Communism and Zionism are their tools.

This panoramic overview of historical realities lays waste to much of the nonsense and historical misinformation circulating today. This is an invaluable source of hidden history you’ll study and reference time and again. But be prepared for a journey into unexplored territory where very real demons hold sway.

PDF, 200 pages

Table of Contents

PREFACE: The World Turned Upside Down…………………………5
FOREWORD: The Question of Revolution……………………………7
INTRODUCTION: The Weed Takes Root …………………………..11
CHAPTER 1: The Origins of the Jewish People……………………..17
CHAPTER 2: Beginning of the End of Normal……………………….41
CHAPTER 3: The End of Normal ……………………………………….67
CHAPTER 4: The Jewish Century……………………………………….85
CHAPTER 5: The World Against Its Savior………………………….107
CHAPTER 6: The Civil Rights Error …………………………………..135
CHAPTER 7: The New World Order…………………………………..161
AFTERWORD: Men Among the Ruins………………………………..187
ABOUT THE AUTHOR……………………………………………………200

List of Illustrations

Bolshevik soldiers arrive to loot a Christian church………….6
Jews wait to leave St. Petersburg after expulsion order….13
Satanic goat head and inverted pentagram…………………….16
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche…………………………21
German leader Kaiser Wilhelm II…………………………………..83
Chimera of democracy, Zionism and communism……………84
FDR at his first inauguration at the U.S. Capitol ……………..95
German leader Adolf Hitler…………………………………………..106
Convicted cult leader Charles Manson…………………………..134
German church destroyed by WWII Allied bombing……….186