Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism

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Categories: Communism, Recommended


If you’re a mainstream American sick of the “woke mob” running your life, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism is for you. You will learn the subtle ways leftists control you and how to defeat them. This book is a tool for conservative political activists, politicians, and citizens alarmed by America’s lurch toward socialism. Whether it’s a school board indoctrinating children, a city council voting to defund police, social media dominated by cancel culture or runaway government banning guns, the author teaches you how to turn the tables on tyrants. Drawing from Paul Valone’s 28 years of grassroots leadership and empowering conservatives muzzled by the left, the book is a tactical guide to direct action in economic, political, legal, and non-legislative arenas essential for conservatives to defeat socialism and preserve American culture. Unlike theoretical treatises denouncing leftism, exposing Marxism, and calling conservatives to unspecified action, this book is a nuts-and-bolts guide to tactics. Using personal experience, Valone highlights specific activist operations and their reasons for success or failure. Softcover, 384 pages.