Any prediction of a pending economic or social crisis or disaster is often difficult for people to accept if enough evidence is not available to support it. In this case, the evidence is plentiful. History teaches that socialism always brings wars, chaos, hunger, poverty, extreme sacrifice, and social upheaval. But socialism is always sold as a fair answer to human problems.
Today, socialism is alive and well here in America, and has been for decades, though not always openly visible or recognizable.
On the Road to American Socialism was written to examine each of the destructive goals and intentions of socialism and how well it has accomplished those goals in America. Yes, even the Big Money-controlled “Federal” Reserve System is part of the socialist agenda! As hard as it is for some to imagine, the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve System has its origins in the so-called “central bank concept” that was highly preferred by Karl Marx as one means to accomplish the draconian goals of communism and socialism, to establish a monopoly over national credit. Not accountable to our government in any respect, the Federal Reserve System presents a unique conflict of interest for the bankers who control it. Printing money freely, they can increase our national debt at will. Further, they cause the economic ups and the downs for the most part, and they benefit both ways.
In summary, the Fed is an unsustainable concept and they knew it from the beginning; we need another financial system—with a fierce watch dog to keep it straight. Our biggest national problem (and that of other nations, too) is financial corruption—that can only be regulated by morality in people. This is one place where the church comes in.
Softcover, 377 pages.