Texe Marrs examines the secret societies of the Illuminati in light of Bible prophecies and United States history.
Includes information on:
1) The mysterious symbols on the U.S.A. one-dollar bill;
2) The Jewish Zionist intrigue of Haym Salomon, Rothschild agent and financier of the American Revolution;
3) The Builders—the goal of the Illuminati to build an occult utopia on earth;
4) Proof of existence of the Order of the Illuminati, founded in 1776;
5) The occult message hidden in the official logo of the Council on Foreign Relations;
6) The “666” symbolism discovered in the logo of the Trilateral Commission;
7) The Order of Skull and Bones, the Bilderbergers, and other Illuminist groups.
DVD, 60 minutes